LibreOffice 25.2 Yardım
Repeats the statements between the Do and the Loop statement while the condition is True or until the condition becomes True.
Do {While | Until} condition = True
' Do While: The statement block is repeated as long as the condition is true
' Do Until: The statement block is repeated as long as the condition is false
[Exit Do]
[Exit Do]
' Loop While: The statement block repeats as long as the condition is true
' Loop Until: The statement block repeats until the condition is true
Loop {While | Until} condition = True
The Do...Loop statement executes a loop as long as, or until, a certain condition is True. The condition for exiting the loop must be entered following either the Do or the Loop statement. The above examples are valid combinations.
condition: A comparison, numeric or Basic expression, that evaluates to either True or False.
statements: Statements that you want to repeat while or until a condition is True.
Exit Do komutunu durumdan bağımsız bir şekilde döngüyü sonlandırmak için kullanın. Bu komutu Do...Loop komutları içine herhangi bir yere ekleyebilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda If...Then yapısı kullanarak da bir çıkış durumunu takip eden şekilde tanımlayabilirsiniz:
If condition = True Then Exit Do
Sub ExampleDoLoop
Dim sFile As String
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "c:\"
sFile = Dir$( sPath ,22)
If sFile <> "" Then
MsgBox sFile
sFile = Dir$
Loop Until sFile = ""
End If
End Sub