Basic'ten Python Betiklerini Çağırmak

Phyton betiklerini LibreOffice Basic makrosundan çağırmak mümkündür, ve şunlar gibi değerli özellikler edinilebilir:


A reasonable exposure to LibreOffice Basic and to Application Programming Interface (API) features is recommended prior to perform inter-language calls from Basic to Python, to JavaScript or any other script engine.

Python Betiklerini Almak

Python betikleri kişisel olabilir, paylaşılabilir veya belgelere gömülebilir. Bunları yürütmek için, LibreOffice Basic'e Python betiklerinin konumlarının sağlanması arayüzü uyumlu UNO nesnelerinin konumlandırılması Python betiklerinin yürütülmesini sağlar:

         Option Explicit
         Public Function GetPythonScript(macro As String, _
                 Optional location As String) As
             Python betik nesnesini yürütmeden önce '''yakala
             ' Argümanlar:
             '    macro   : as "library/$macro" or "$macro"
             '    location: as "document", "share", "user" or ENUM(eration)
             '    located UNO service'''
             If IsMissing(location) Then location = "user"
             Dim mspf As Object '
             Dim sp As Object ' compatible
             Dim uri As String
             If location="document" Then
                 sp = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider()
                 mspf = CreateUnoService("")
                 sp = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
             End If
             uri = ""& macro &"?language=Python&location="& location
             GetPythonScript = sp.getScript(uri)
         End Function ' GetPythonScript

Executing Python Scripts

LibreOffice Uygulama Programlama Arayüzü (API) Komut Dosyası Çerçevesi, Python ile Basic veya bu konuda desteklenen diğer programlama dilleri arasında diller arası komut dosyası yürütmeyi destekler. Bağımsız değişkenler, her iki dilin de tanıdığı ilkel veri türlerini temsil etmeleri koşuluyla ve Komut Dosyası Çerçevesinin bunları uygun şekilde dönüştürdüğü varsayılarak çağrılar arasında aktarılabilir.

Söz Dizimi

workstation_name = script.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array())

opSysName = script.invoke(Array(), in_outs, Array()) ' in_out is an Array

file_len = script.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array())

normalizedPath = script.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array())

Gömülü Betik Örnekleri

Below ComputerName, and GetFilelen routines are calling their Python counterparts, using aforementioned GetPythonScript function. Exception handling is not detailed.

         Option Explicit
         Option Compatible ' Properties are supported
         Private scr As Object '
         Private Property Get ComputerName As String
             '''İş istasyonu adı''
             scr = GetPythonScript("$computer_name", "document")
             ComputerName = scr.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array())
         End Property ' ComputerName
         Private Function GetFilelen(systemFilePath As String) As Currency
             '''Bayt cinsinden dosya boyutu'''
             scr = GetPythonScript("Os/$get_size", Script.ISEMBEDDED)
             GetFilelen = scr.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array(),)
         End Function ' GetFilelen
         Private Type _SCRIPT_LOCATION
             ISEMBEDDED As String ' document script
             ISPERSONAL As String ' user script
             ISSHARED As String ' LibreOffice macro
         End Type ' _SCRIPT_LOCATION
         Public Function Script() As Object ' Text enumeration
             Static enums As _SCRIPT_LOCATION : With enums
             If .ISEMBEDDED = "" Then
                 .ISEMBEDDED = "document" ' document script
                 .ISPERSONAL = "user" ' user scripts
                 .ISSHARED = "share" ' LibreOffice macro
             End If : End With ' enums
             Script = enums
         End Function ' Script

Two different Python modules are called. They can either be embedded in the current document, either be stored on the file system. Argument type checking is skipped for clarity:

         # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
         from __future__ import unicode_literals
         import platform
         def computer_name() -> str:
             return platform.node()
         def OSname() -> str:
             return platform.system()

         # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
         from __future__ import unicode_literals
         import os.path
         def get_size(systemFilePath: str) -> str:
             return str(os.path.getsize(systemFilePath))
         def normalyze(systemPath: str) -> str:
             return os.path.normpath(systemPath)

Personal or Shared Scripts Examples

The calling mechanism for personal or shared Python scripts is identical to that of embedded scripts. Library names are mapped to folders. Computing LibreOffice user profile and shared modules system file paths can be performed as detailed in Getting session information. Below OSName, HelloWorld and NormalizePath routines are calling their Python counterparts, using aforementioned GetPythonScript function. Exception handling is not detailed.

         Option Explicit
         Option Compatible ' Properties are supported
         Private scr As Object '
         Private Property Get OSName As String
             '''Platform name as "Linux", "Darwin" or "Windows"'''
             scr = GetPythonScript("$OSname", Script.ISPERSONAL)
             OSName = scr.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array()) 
         End Property ' OSName
         Private Sub HelloWorld()
             '''LibreOffice Python shared sample'''
             scr = GetPythonScript("$HelloWorldPython", Script.ISSHARED)
             scr.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array(),)
         End Sub ' HelloWorld
         Public Function NormalizePath(systemFilePath As String) As String
             '''Strip superfluous '\..' in path'''
             scr = GetPythonScript("Os/$normalyze", "user")
             NormalizePath = scr.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array())
         End Function ' NormalizePath

Python standard modules

LibreOffice embedded Python contains many standard libraries to benefit from. They bear a rich feature set, such as but not limited to:

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