
Defines the general options for drawing or presentation documents.

Барои ин фармонро дастрас кардан...

Open a presentation document, choose - LibreOffice Impress/LibreOffice Draw - General.

Impress General Options Dialog

Объектҳои матн

~Иҷозатдиҳии таҳрири зудамал

Муайян месозад, ки ҳангоми пахш кардани объекти матнӣ ислоҳкунии матн оғоз карда шавад.

Ҷу~докунии танҳо қисми матн

Specifies whether to select a text box by clicking the text.

In the area of the text box that is not filled with text, an object behind the text box can be selected.


~Истифодабарии кэши манзар

Specifies whether to use the cache for displaying objects on the master slide. This speeds up the display. Unmark the Use background cache option if you want to display changing contents on the master slide.

~Нусхагирӣ ҳангоми кӯчонидан

If enabled, a copy is created when you move an object while holding down the key. The same will apply for rotating and resizing the object. The original object will remain in its current position and size.

~Объектҳо ҳамеша кӯчанда

Specifies that you want to move an object with the Rotate tool enabled. If Object always moveable is not marked, the Rotate tool can only be used to rotate an object.

Объектҳоро ба хамида табдил надодан (танҳо барои тасвирҳо)

Maintains relative alignment of Bézier points and 2D drawing objects to each other when you distort the object.

Воҳиди ченак

Determines the Unit of measurement for presentations.


Defines the spacing between tab stops.

Мувофиқат (ҷӯрсозиҳои ҳуҷҷат)

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