Show or hide the horizontal and vertical scroll bars that are used to change the viewable area of a document that doesn't fit within the window.
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From the menu bar:
Choose View - Scroll Bars.
From toolbars:
Scroll Bars
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Display the horizontal scroll bar.
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From the menu bar:
Choose View - Scroll Bars - Horizontal Scroll Bar.
From toolbars:
Хати ҳаракати уфуқӣ
When dragging the horizontal scroll bar handle, a tooltip shows the leftmost cell column number displayed on the left of the view area.
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Display the vertical scroll bar.
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From the menu bar:
Choose View - Scroll Bars - Vertical Scroll Bar.
From toolbars:
Хати ҳаракати амуди
When dragging the vertical scroll bar handle, a tooltip shows the page number, the total pages in the document and the heading text of the first displayed line on the top of the view area.
When dragging the vertical scroll bar handle, a tooltip shows the topmost cell row number displayed on the top of the view area.