LibreOffice Basic Library Organizer

The dialog let you organize LibreOffice modules and dialogs into libraries. You can also import and export Basic libraries into files or extensions.

Барои ин фармонро дастрас кардан...

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic,
click the Organizer button.

Module and Dialog tab pages

Lets you manage modules or dialog boxes.

Module or Dialog

Lists the existing modules or dialogs.

Таҳрир кардан

Opens the selected module or dialog for editing.

New (module)

Opens the editor and creates a new module.

New (dialog)

Opens the editor and creates a new dialog.

Libraries tab page

Lets you manage the macro libraries for the current application and any open documents.


Select the application or the document containing the macro libraries that you want to organize.


Lists the existing macro libraries for the current application and any open documents.

Таҳрир кардан

Opens the LibreOffice Basic editor so that you can modify the selected library.


Assigns or edits the password for the selected library.


Creates a new library.


Enter a name for the new library or module.


Locate that LibreOffice Basic library that you want to add to the current list, and then click Open.


Opens a dialog to export the selected library either as an extension or as a Basic library.


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