Page Style

Муколамаеро мекушояд, ки дар он шумо намуди варақҳоятонро муайян месозед.

Барои ин фармонро дастрас кардан...

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Page Style.

From the context menu:

Choose Page Style.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Layout tab, choose Page Margins or Page Size or Page Columns and click on More Options.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Page Style.

From toolbars:

Icon Page Style

Page Style

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + P

From the status bar:

Click on the Page Style area.

From the sidebar:

Choose View - Styles () - choose Page Styles - open context menu for selected style - New/Edit Style.


Set the options for the selected style.

Allows you to define page layouts for single and multiple-page documents, as well as a numbering and paper formats.


Sets the border options for the selected objects in Writer or Calc.

Area (Background, Highlighting)

Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.


Adds a header to the current page style. A header is an area in the top page margin, where you can add text or graphics.


Adds a footer to the current page style. A footer is an area in the bottom page margin, where you can add text or graphics.


Элементҳои дар чопи ҳар варақ пайдошавандаро муайян месозад. Инчунин метавонед тартиби чоп, рақами саҳифаи аввал ва ченаки варақро муайян созед.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened. A confirmation query does not appear when you close the dialog.

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