Inserting Page Numbers in Footers

You can easily insert a page number field in the footer of your document. You can also add a page count to the footer, for example, in the form "Page 9 of 12"

To Insert a Page Number

  1. Choose Insert - Header and Footer - Footer and select the page style that you want to add the footer to.

  2. Choose Insert - Field - Page Number.

If you want, you can align the page number field as you would text.

கூடுதலாக ஒரு பக்க எண்ணிக்கையை சேர்க்க

  1. Click in front of the page number field, type Page and enter a space; click after the field, enter a space and then type of and enter another space.

  2. Choose Insert - Field - Page Count.

Using Title Page

Title pages are a common way to create documents with different page numbering schemes.

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