LibreOffice 25.2 உதவி
Open the toolbar, where you can add straight lines, lines with arrows, and dimension lines to the current slide or page.
If you want, you can add an arrow after you draw a line by choosing Format - Line, and then selecting an arrow style from the Style box.
Draws a straight line where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Draws a straight line that ends with an arrow where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line Ends with Arrow
Draws a straight line that starts with an arrow and ends with a circle where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line with Arrow/Circle
Draws a straight line that starts with an arrow and ends with a square where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line with Arrow/Square
Draws a straight line that is constrained by angles of 45 degrees.
Line (45°)
Draws a straight line that starts with an arrow where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line Starts with Arrow
Draws a straight line that starts with a circle and ends with an arrow where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line with Circle/Arrow
Draws a straight line that starts with a square and ends with an arrow where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line with Square/Arrow
Draws a line that displays the dimension length bounded by guides. Dimension lines automatically calculate and display linear dimensions. To draw a dimension line, open the Arrows toolbar, and click the Dimension Line icon. Move your pointer to where you want the line to start and drag to draw the dimension line. Release when finished.
If you want the dimension line to be the same length as the side of a nearby object, hold down the CommandCtrl key while dragging. To constrain the dimension line to 45 degrees, hold down the Shift key while dragging.
In LibreOffice Draw, a dimension line is always inserted on the layer called Dimension Lines. If you set that layer to invisible, you will not see any dimension line in your drawing.
Dimension Line
Draws a straight line with arrows at both ends where you drag in the current document. To constrain the line to 45 degrees, hold down Shift while you drag.
Line with Arrows