LibreOffice 24.8 உதவி
The Lines toolbar, where you can add lines and shapes to the current slide. icon on the Drawing bar opens the
If you hold the Shift key down, the movement of the mouse is limited to multiples of 45 degrees. If you hold down the OptionsAlt key, the new point will not be connected to the last point. This allows you to create objects that consist of curves that are not connected together. If you draw a smaller object while holding down the OptionAlt key into a larger object that you have not closed yet, the smaller object is subtracted from the larger one, thus appearing as a hole in the larger one.
Closed shapes automatically receive the fill that is displayed in the Area Style/Filling box on Line and Filling bar.
Draws a filled closed shape that is based on a Bézier curve. Click where you want the curve to start, drag, release, and then move the pointer to where you want the curve to end and click. Move the pointer and click again to add a straight line segment to the curve. Double-click to close the shape.
Curve, Filled
Draws a closed shape consisting of straight line segments. Click where you want to start the polygon, and drag to draw a line segment. Click again to define the end of the line segment, and continue clicking to define the remaining line segments of the polygon. Double-click to finish drawing the polygon. To constrain the polygon to angles of 45 degree, hold down Shift when you click.
Polygon, Filled
Draws a closed shape consisting of straight line segments that are constrained by angles of 45 degrees. Click where you want to start the polygon, and drag to draw a line segment. Click again to define the end of the line segment, and continue clicking to define the remaining line segments of the polygon. Double-click to finish drawing the polygon. To draw a polygon that is not constrained to a 45 degree angle, hold down Shift when you click.
Polygon (45°), Filled
Draws a freeform line where you drag in the slide. When you release, LibreOffice creates a closed shape by drawing a straight line segment from the endpoint to the starting point of the line. The shape within the lines will be filled with the current area color.
Freeform Line, Filled
Draws a line composed of a series of straight line segments, that are constrained by angles of 45 degree. Drag to draw a line segment, click to define the endpoint of the line segment, and then drag to draw a new line segment. Double-click to finish drawing the line. To create a closed shape, hold down OptionAlt and double-click.
பலகோணம் (45°)
Freeform Line