Track Changes Toolbar

Contains the commands that are available for tracking changes in your file.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Choose View - Toolbars - Track Changes.

Show Track Changes

Shows or hides recorded changes.

Icon Show track changes

Show track changes

Record Changes

Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.

Icon Record Changes

Record Changes

Previous Track Change

Icon Previous track change

Previous track change

Next Track Change

Icon Next track change

Next track change

Accept Track Change

Icon Accept Track Change

Accept Track Change

Reject Track Change

Icon Reject Track Change

Reject Track Change

Accept All Tracked Changes

Icon Accept All Tracked Changes

Accept All Tracked Changes

Reject All Tracked Changes

Icon Reject All Tracked Changes

Reject All Tracked Changes

Accept Track Change and select next one

Icon Accept Track Change and select next one

Accept Track Change and select next one

Reject Track Change and select next one

Icon Reject Track Change and select next one

Reject Track Change and select next one

Manage changes

Accept or reject recorded changes.

Icon Manage Track Changes

Manage Track Changes


Inserts a comment around the selected text, presentation slide, drawing page or at the current spreadsheet cursor position.

Icon Insert Comment

Insert Comment

Insert Track Change Comment

Enter a comment for the recorded change.

Icon Insert Track Change Comment

Insert Track Change Comment

Visa ändringar

Prevents a user from deactivating the record changes feature, or from accepting or rejecting changes unless the user enters a password.

Icon Protect Changes

Protect Changes

Compare Document

Jämför det aktuella dokumentet med ett dokument som du väljer.Innehållet i det valda dokumentet är markerat som borttagningar i dialogrutan som öppnas. Om du vill kan du infoga innehållet i den valda filen i det aktuella dokumentet genom att markera de borttagna poster som det gäller, klicka på Ignorera och sedan på Infoga.

Icon Compare Document

Compare Document

Sammanfoga dokument...

Importerar ändringar som gjorts i kopior av samma dokument till originaldokumentet. Ändringar som gjorts i fotnoter, sidhuvuden, ramar och fält ignoreras. Identiska ändringar sammanfogas automatiskt.

Icon Merge Document

Merge Document

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