
Choose this command to show previously hidden rows or columns.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Från menylisten:

Choose Format - Rows - Show.

Choose Format - Columns - Show.

Från kontextmenyn:

Click on the rows headers to select, choose Show Rows.

Click on the columns headers to select, choose Show Columns.

Från gränssnittet med flikar:

Choose Home - Rows - Show Rows.

Choose Home - Columns - Show Columns.

Choose Layout - Rows - Show Rows.

Choose Layout - Columns - Show Columns.

Från verktygslisterna:

Icon Show Rows

Show Rows

Icon Show Columns

Show Columns

To show a column or row, select the range of rows or columns containing the hidden elements, then apply the command.

For example, to show the column B, click on the header of the column A, expand the selection to the column C, then chose Format - Columns - Show. To show the column A previously hidden, click on the header of the column B, keep the mouse button pressed and drag on the left. The selected range displayed in the name area changes from B1:B1048576 to A1:B1048576. Choose Format - Columns - Show. Proceed the same way with rows.

Om du vill visa alla dolda celler klickar du först i fältet i övre vänstra hörnet. När du gör det markeras alla cellerna i tabellen.

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