LibreOffice 25.2 Hjälp
Calculates the Net Present Value of an investment, based on a supplied discount rate, and a series of deposits and withdrawals.
NPV (Rate as Double, Values() as Double)
Ränta är diskonteringsräntan för en period.
Values() is an array that represent deposits (positive values) or withdrawals (negative values).
REM ***** BASIC *****
Option VBASupport 1
Sub ExampleNPV
Dim r As Double
Dim pValues(5) as Double
pValues(0) = 100
pValues(1) = 100
pValues(2) = 100
pValues(3) = -300
pValues(4) = 100
pValues(5) = 100
r = 0.06
p = NPV( r, pValues)
Print p ' returns 174,894967305331
End Sub