
Depending on the field type that you select, you can assign conditions to certain functions. For example, you can define a field that executes a macro when you click the field in the document, or a condition that, when met, hides a field. You can also define placeholder fields that insert graphics, tables, frames and other objects into your document when needed.

To access this command...

Choose Insert - Field - More Fields - Functions tab


Lists the available field types.



Teksti i kushtëzuar

Inserts text if a certain condition is met. For example, enter "sun eq 1" in the Condition box, and then the text that you want to insert when the variable "sun" equals "1" in the Then box. If you want, you can also enter the text that you want to display when this condition is not met in the Else box. To define the variable "sun", click the Variables tab, select "Set variable", type "sun" in the Name box, and its value in the Value box.

Lista e hyrjeve

Inserts a text field that displays one item from a list. You can add, edit, and remove items, and change their order in the list. Click an Input list field in your document or press +Shift+F9 to display the Choose Item dialog.

Fusha për hyrje

Inserts a text field that you can open by clicking it in the document. You can then change the text that is displayed.

Ekzektuto Makron

Inserts a text field that runs a macro when you click the field in the document. To assign a macro to the field, click the Macro button.


Inserts a placeholder field in the document, for example, for graphics. When you click a placeholder field in the document, you are prompted to insert the item that is missing.

Tekst i fshehur

Inserts a text field that is hidden when the condition that you specify is met. To use this function, choose - LibreOffice Writer - View and clear the Hidden text check box.

Paragraf i fshehur

Hides a paragraph when the condition that you specify is met. To use this function, choose - LibreOffice Writer - View and clear the Hidden paragraphs check box.

Kombino karakteret

Combines up to 6 characters, so that they behave as a single character. This feature is only available when Asian fonts are supported.


The following fields can only be inserted if the corresponding field type is selected in the Type list.


For function fields, the format field is only used for fields of the type placeholder. Here, the format determines the object for which the placeholder stands.


For fields linked to a condition, enter the criteria here.

atëherë, tjetër

Enter the text to display when the condition is met in the Then box, and the text to display when the condition is not met in the Else box.

You can also insert database fields in the Then and Else boxes using the format "databasename.tablename.fieldname".


If the table or the field name does not exist in a database, nothing is inserted.


If you include the quotes in "databasename.tablename.fieldname", the expression is inserted as text.


Type the text that you want to display in the field. If you are inserting a placeholder field, type the text that you want to display as a help tip when you rest the mouse pointer over the field.


Select the macro that you want to run when the field is clicked.

Makro emër

Macro e selektuar nuk u gjet


Type the text that you want to appear in the placeholder field.

Tekst i fshehur

Type the text that you want to hide if a condition is met.


Enter the characters that you want to combine. You can combine a maximum of 6 characters. This option is only available for the Combine characters field type.


Enter a value for the selected field.


Opens the Macro Selector dialog, where you can choose the macro that will run when you click the selected field in the document. This button is only available for the "Execute macro" function field.

The following controls are displayed for Input list fields:


Enter a new item.


Adds the Item to the list.

Artikujt në listë

Lists the items. The topmost item is shown in the document.


Removes the selected item from the list.

Lëviz sipër

Moves the selected item up in the list.

Lëviz poshtë

Moves the selected item down in the list.


Enter a unique name for the Input list.

Zgjedh artikullin:

This dialog is shown when you click an Input list field in the document.

Choose the item that you want to display in the document, then click OK.


Displays the Edit Fields: Functions dialog, where you can edit the Input list.

I ardhshmi

Closes the current Input list and displays the next, if available. You see this button when you open the Choose Item dialog by +Shift+F9.

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