LibreOffice 25.2 Help
In the Insert Database Columns dialog, select the Fields to insert the selected data into the document as fields. These database fields work as wildcards for the individual database columns and can be used for form letters. Click the Data to Fields icon to match the contents of the fields to the currently selected record.
If several records are selected when you choose the Data to Text function, the mail merge fields will be inserted according to the number of records. Also, a field command such as "Next record" will be inserted automatically between individual field command blocks.
The Insert Database Columns dialog lets you define which database fields to insert into the document and how to format the paragraphs.
In the Fields area, use the arrow button to select the database table columns into which you want to insert field contents.
Lists all columns of the database table, which can be accepted in the selection list box to insert them into the document. Select the database columns that you want to insert it in the document.
Moves the fields that you selected in the Database columns list box into the selection field. You can also double-click the entry to select it.
Lists the database columns that you selected to be inserted into the document. You can also enter text here. This text will be also inserted into the document. The entries' order in the selection field corresponds to the data order in the document.
Specifies the format for inserting the database fields into the document.
Accepts the database formats.
Specifies a format from the list, if the format information of certain data fields is not accepted. The formats supplied here are only available for certain database fields, such as numeric or Boolean fields. If you select a database field in text format, you will not be able to select any format from the selection list, since the text format will be automatically maintained.
If the format you want is not listed, select "Other Formats..." and define the desired format in the Number Format dialog.
The number format assigned using the selection list always refers to the database field selected in the Database columns list box.
By default, the inserted paragraphs are formatted with the current Paragraph Styles. This format corresponds to the "none" entry in the Paragraph Style list box. This is where you can select other Paragraph Styles to apply to the paragraph you want to insert into the document. The list box displays the available Paragraph Styles defined in LibreOffice and managed in the Style Catalog.