LibreOffice Basic Help

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LibreOffice siguron një Ndërfaqe Programimi Aplikacioni (NDA) që lejon kontrollimin e komponentëve LibreOffice me gjuhë programimi të ndryshme duke përdorur LibreOffice Kutinë e Zhvillimit të Programit (KZhP). Për më shumë informacion për LibreOffice NDA dhe Kutinë e Zhvillimit të Programit, vizitoni

This help section explains the most common functions of LibreOffice Basic. For more in-depth information please refer to the LibreOffice BASIC Programming Guide on the Wiki.

LibreOffice Basic Macro Organizues

Programming with LibreOffice Basic

Run-Time Functions

Recording a Macro

Creating a Basic Dialog

Creating Controls in the Dialog Editor

Changing the Properties of Controls in the Dialog Editor

Opening a Dialog With Basic

Programming Examples for Controls in the Dialog Editor

Basic Programming Examples

Working with VBA Macros

Working with VBA Macros

Exclusive VBA Functions and Statements

VBA supported Data Model

Working with Macros in Python

LibreOffice Ndihma pë Skripte në Python

LibreOffice Python Modules

msgbox module

scriptforge module

uno module

LibreOffice internal Basic macro libraries

LibreOffice installs a set of Basic macro libraries that can be accessed from your Basic macros.

The Tools Library

The Depot Library

The Euro Library

The FormWizard Library

The Gimmicks Library

The ImportWizard Library

The Schedule Library

The ScriptBindingLibrary Library

The ScriptForge Library

The Template Library

The WikiEditor Library

Help about the Help

The Help references the default settings of the program on a system that is set to defaults. Descriptions of colors, mouse actions, or other configurable items can be different for your program and system.

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