LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Obsahuje príkazy na formátovanie rozloženia a obsahu vášho dokumentu.
Najskôr označte text alebo objekt a potom kliknite na túto ikonu. Následným kliknutím na iný text alebo iný objekt vložíte rovnaké formátovanie.
Changes the font and the font formatting for the selected characters.
Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.
Adds numbering or bullets to the current paragraph or to selected paragraphs, and lets you edit format of the numbering or bullets.
Specify the formatting styles and the layout for the current page style, including page margins, headers and footers, and the page background.
When comments are present, the character dialog is presented. Changes to font and font formatting are applied to all comments.
Umožňuje pridať komentáre k ázijským znakom, ktoré slúžia ako sprievodca výslovnosťou.
Určí počet a rozloženie stĺpcov pre štýl stránky, rámca alebo sekcie.
Opens a submenu to link and unlink frames, and edit properties of a selected frame.
Assigns a name to the selected object, so that you can quickly find the object in the Navigator.
Assigns a text and an alt text to the selected object. These texts are available as alternative tags in your document for use by accessibility tools. They are also available as tags for images when you export the document.
Opens a submenu where you can rotate or flip a selected shape or image. Text boxes can only be rotated.
Groups keep together selected objects, so that they can be moved or formatted as a single object.