LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Číslovanie môžete na odsek použiť ručne alebo pomocou štýlu odseku.
If you want numbered headings, use Heading Numbering, instead of numbering manually.
To apply numbering manually, click in the paragraph, and then click the
icon on the bar, or use the dropdown box on the icon to select a numbering format.You cannot apply manual numbering to paragraphs that are listed under "Special Styles" in the Styles window.
Keď v číslovanom alebo odrážkovom zozname stlačíte Enter, LibreOffice automaticky očísluje ďalší odsek. Pre odstránenie číslovania alebo odrážky z nového odseku stlačte Enter ešte raz.
To change the bullets or numbering format for the current paragraph only, select a character or word in the paragraph, choose
, and then click a new format.To change the bullet or numbering format for all paragraphs in the list, ensure that the cursor is in the list, choose
, and then click a new format.Use the commands on the Bullets and Numbering bar to change the order and level of list paragraphs.
To see which paragraphs are in the same list, click to the left of a number or symbol at the beginning of a list paragraph, with ( CommandCtrl+F8) enabled.
Paragraph Styles give you greater control over numbering that you apply in a document. When you change the list style assigned to a paragraph style, then the numbering format in the list style is applied automatically to all paragraphs using the paragraph style.
, and then click the icon.Kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na štýl odseku, v ktorom chcete použiť číslovanie a vyberte Upraviť.
Click the
tab.In the
box, select the list style to apply.Kliknite na OK.
Apply the paragraph style to the paragraphs that you want to add numbering to.