Styles Spotlighting

The styles spotlight in LibreOffice Writer gives a visual indicator of styles and direct formatting present in the document.

Use the styles spotlight to inspect usage of styles and direct formatting in the document.

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From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Spotlight and select an option from the submenu.

From the sidebar:

Open the Styles deck, mark Spotlight check box.

The Spotlight visual indicator is codified using numbers and colors. The feature shows direct formatting for characters and paragraphs indicated by a hatch pattern in the Spotlight colored on the margin.


The Spotlight feature can visualize paragraphs and characters styles only.

When the extended tips features is enabled in – LibreOffice – General, a tooltip shows the style name and many attributes of the style applied.

Paragraph direct formatting is indicated in two ways: by a hatch pattern in the coloured indicators and by the text "+ Paragraph Direct Formatted" added to the name of the style.

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