LibreOffice 25.2 Help
V aplikácii Writer je číslo strany pole, ktoré je možné vložiť do textu.
Choose to open a dialog to guide you in inserting a page number in the current page style header or footer and setting the page number alignment.
to insert a page number at the current cursor position.If you see the text "Page number" instead of the number, choose Command+F9Ctrl+F9).
(Tieto polia však menia svoju pozíciu pri pridávaní alebo odoberaní textu. Preto je lepšie vložiť číslovanie strán do hlavičky alebo päty, kde bude mať rovnakú pozíciu a môže byť opakované na každej strane.
or to add a header or footer to all pages with the current page style.Možno potrebujete nad číslovaním strán viac kontroly. Píšete napríklad textový dokument, ktorý by mal začínať stranou číslo 12.
Kliknite do prvého odseku vášho dokumentu.
tab.V oblasti Zalomenie zaškrtnite Vložiť. Pre možnosť nastavenie nového Čísla strany zaškrtnite pole So štýlom strany. Kliknite na tlačidlo OK.
Nové číslo strany je atribút prvého odseku tejto strany.
Potrebujete číslovanie strany rímskymi číslicami i, ii, iii, iv, a ďalšie.
Kliknite dvakrát priamo pred pole čísla strany. Objaví sa dialóg Upraviť polia.
Vyberte formát číslovania a kliknite na tlačidlo OK.
You need some pages with the roman numbering format, followed by the remaining pages in another format.
In Writer, you will need different page styles. The first page style has a footer with a page number field formatted for roman numbers. The following page style has a footer with a page number field formatted in another look.
Both page styles must be separated by a page break. In Writer, you can have automatic page breaks and manually inserted page breaks.
An automatic page break appears at the end of a page when the page style has a different "next style".
For example, the “First Page” page style has “Default Page Style” as the next style. To see this, press Command+TF11 to open the window, click the icon, right-click the "First Page" entry. Choose from the context menu. On the tab, you can see the “Next style”.
Ručne vložené zalomenie strany môže byť použité bez alebo so zmenou štýlu strany.
If you just press Command+EnterCtrl+Enter, you apply a page break without a change of styles.
If you choose
, you can insert a page break without or with a change of style or with a change of page number.It depends on your document what is best: to use a manually inserted page break between page styles, or to use an automatic change. If you just need one title page with a different style than the other pages, you can use the automatic method:
Kliknite do prvej strany vášho dokumentu.
Choose Command+TF11).
(In the Styles window, click the Page Styles icon.
Kliknite dvakrát na štýl "Prvá strana".
Now your title page has the style "First Page", and the next pages automatically have the "Default Page Style".
You can now for example insert a footer for the "Default Page Style" only, or insert footers in both page styles, but with differently formatted page number fields.
Click at the start of the first paragraph on the page where a different page style will be applied.
Choose Insert - More Breaks - Manual Break. You see the Insert Break dialog.
In the
list box, select a page style. You may set a new page number, too. Click .The selected page style will be used from the current paragraph to the next page break with style. You may need to create the new page style first.