Position and Size

Specifies the size and the position of the selected image, frame, or OLE object on a page.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Image - Properties - Position and Size tab.

Choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties - Position and Size tab.

Choose View - Styles - Frame Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Type tab.

Choose Insert - Frame - Frame - Position and Size tab.

From the context menu:

Choose Properties - Position and Size tab.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Image menu of the Image tab, choose Properties - Position and Size tab.

On the Object menu of the Object tab, choose Properties - Position and Size tab.

From the keyboard:

F4, then Position and Size tab.

From the status bar:

Click on the Selected Object Size area, Position and Size tab.



Zadajte požadovanú šírku vybraného objektu.


Vypočíta šírku vybraného objektu ako percento šírky textovej oblasti strany.

Relative width relation

Rozhoduje, čo znamená 100% šírka: buď textová oblasť (bez okrajov), alebo celá strana (vrátane okrajov).


Zadajte požadovanú výšku vybraného objektu.


Vypočíta výšku vybraného objektu ako percento výšky textovej oblasti strany.

Relative height relation

Rozhoduje, čo znamená 100% výška: buď textová oblasť (bez okrajov) alebo celá strana (vrátane okrajov).

Zachovať pomer

Zachová pomer výšky a šírky keď zmeníte ich nastavenie.

Pôvodná veľkosť

Obnoví pôvodné hodnoty nastavenia veľkosti vybraného objektu.


This option is not available for frames.

Automatická veľkosť

Automaticky upravuje šírku alebo výšku rámca tak, aby zodpovedal obsahu rámca. Ak chcete, môžete určiť minimálnu šírku alebo minimálnu výšku rámca.


The AutoSize option is only available when you select a frame.


Nastavenie ochrany pre vybranú položku.


Zamedzovanie zmenám obsahov vo vybraných prvkoch.

Kopírovanie obsahu vybraného prvku je stále možné.


Zamknutie pozície vybraného prvku v aktuálnom dokumente.


Zamknutie veľkosti vybraného prvku.


Specify the anchoring options for the selected object or frame. The anchor options are not available when you open the dialog from the Styles window.

Na stranu

Ukotví výber na aktuálnu stranu.

Na odsek

Ukotví výber k aktuálnemu odseku.

K znaku

Anchors the selection to a character. This is the default for images.

Ako znak

Ukotví výber ako znak. Výška aktuálneho riadku sa zmení tak, aby zodpovedala výške výberu.


Specify the location of the selected object on the current page.


Select the horizontal alignment option for the object. The selection specifies the position of the object relative to the region or reference line selected in the to dropdown list. This option is not available if anchor as character is selected.


Enter the amount of space to leave between the left edge of the selected object and the reference point that you select in the To box. This option is only available if you select "From Left" in the Horizontal box.


Select the region or reference line for the selected horizontal alignment option. The following options are available:

Be aware that the set of options available depend on the Anchor settings. Therefore, not all options listed above may be shown due to the current Anchor choice.


You can see the result of the alignments options that you select in the Preview box.

Zrkadliť na párnych stranách

Obráti aktuálne nastavenie vodorovného zarovnania na párnych stranách.


You can also use the Image flip options to adjust the layout of objects on even and odd pages.


Select the vertical alignment option for the object. The selection specifies the position of the object relative to the region or reference line selected in the to dropdown list.


You can see the result of the alignments options that you select in the Preview box.


Enter the amount of space to leave from the top edge of the object to the region or reference line selected in the to dropdown list. This option is active only when the following combinations of Vertical and Anchor are selected. For these combinations, you can specify the amount of space to leave from:


with Anchor

From top

Top edge of selected region.
Positive values move the object down, negative values up.

To page, To paragraph, To character or To frame

From bottom

Selected reference line.
Positive values move the object up, negative values down.

To character or As character


Select the region or reference line for the vertical alignment. The object can be positioned in relation to the following regions or reference lines:

Be aware that the set of options available depend on the Anchor settings. Therefore, not all options listed above may be shown due to the current Anchor choice.


If you anchor an object to a frame with a fixed height, only the "Bottom" and "Center" alignment options are available.

Udržiavať v hraniciach textu

Udržuje vybraný objekt v medziach rozloženia textu, ku ktorému je objekt ukotvený. Ak chcete umiestniť vybraný objekt kamkoľvek do dokumentu, nevyberajte túto možnosť.

By default, the Keep inside text boundaries option is selected when you open a document that was created in a version of Writer older than OpenOffice.org 2.0. However, this option is not selected when you create a document or when you open a document in Microsoft Word format (*.doc).

Povoliť rozdelenie rámcov na viac strán

Allows the frame to continue on a next page when the content of the frame doesn't fit the current page anymore. Content around the frame will be wrapped on the last page.

By default, the Allow frame to split across pages option is disabled when you create a Text Frame in Writer. However, this option is selected when you open a document in Microsoft Word formats, containing floating tables.

Náhľad poľa

Zobrazí ukážku aktuálneho výberu.

The green rectangle represents the selected object and the red rectangle represents the alignment reference point. If you anchor the object as a character, the reference rectangle changes to a red line.

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