LibreOffice 24.8 Help
You can convert two-dimensional (2D) objects to create different shapes. LibreOffice can convert 2D objects to the following object types:
Krivkový objekt založený na Beziérových krivkách
Polygonálny objekt pozostávajúci z rovných segmentov.
3D objekt s tieňovaním a svetelným zdrojom
3D rotačný objekt s tieňovaním a svetelným zdrojom
The Status bar displays "3D scene selected". The 3D scenes are built from objects which have dimensions in x, y, and z coordinates. Examples are the objects inserted by the 3D Objects toolbar, and rectangles, ellipses, or text that got created by the Rectangle, Ellipse, or Text icons left on the Drawing toolbar, or any Custom Shapes, and that got converted to 3D by using the context menu "Convert - To 3D". These 3D scenes can be entered (for example, by pressing F3), and the objects can be rotated in 3D. Microsoft Office doesn't know these real 3D objects. When exporting these 3D scenes to Microsoft Office formats, a snapshot of the current view will be exported as a bitmap. 3D bars in charts are of this type, too.
The Status bar displays "Shape selected". The Custom Shapes can be viewed in a 2D mode or in a 3D mode. At any time, you can switch the view between the two modes. You use the Basic Shapes, Symbol Shapes, and the following icons on the Drawing toolbar to create Custom Shapes. The Custom Shapes can be changed using the 3D Settings toolbar. They do not form a 3D scene, they cannot be illuminated by more than one light source, they show no reflections, and there are some more limitations. You can convert them to a 3D scene, but then they are no longer Custom Shapes. Custom Shapes in 2D or 3D mode can be exported to and imported from Microsoft Office formats.
Vyberte 2D objekt na snímke alebo na stránke.
Kliknite pravým tlačidlom na objekt a zvoľte Previesť - Na krivku.
To modify the shape of the object, click the Points icon on the Drawing toolbar, and drag the handles of the object. You can also drag the control points of a handle to modify the shape of the curve.
Vyberte 2D objekt na snímke alebo na stránke.
Kliknite pravým tlačidlom na objekt a zvoľte Previesť - Na mnohouholník.
To modify the shape of the object, click the Points icon on the Drawing toolbar, and drag the handles of the object.
Vyberte 2D objekt na snímke alebo na stránke.
Click the Extrusion On/Off icon on the Drawing bar, or right-click the object and choose Convert - To 3D.
Na úpravu vlastností 3D objektu použite panel Čiara a výplň a panel 3D Nastavenia
To convert a text object to 3D, use the Fontwork icon on the Drawing toolbar.
3D rotačný objekt je vytvorený otočením vybraného objektu okolo jeho vertikálnej osy.
Vyberte 2D objekt na snímke alebo na stránke.
Kliknite pravým tlačidlom na objekt a zvoľte Previesť - Do 3D rotačného objektu.
Na úpravu vlastností 3D objektov použite panel Čiara a výplň a panel 3D Nastavenia.
Aby ste vytvorili viac komplexný tvar môžete 2D objekt pred prevodom otočiť.