
Nastaví alternatívne režimy zobrazenia. Výberom alternatívneho zobrazenia môžete pri úprave prezentácie zrýchliť zobrazovanie na obrazovke.

Impress View Options Dialog


Zobraziť pravítka

Určuje, či sa majú zobrazovať pravítka v hornej a ľavej časti pracovnej oblasti.

Vodiace čiary pri presúvaní

Určuje, či sa pri presúvaní objektu majú zobrazovať vodiace čiary.

LibreOffice creates dotted guides that extend beyond the box containing the selected object and which cover the entire work area, helping you position the object.

You also can use this function through the with the same name in the Options bar if a presentation or a drawing document is opened.

All control points in Bézier editor

Displays the control points of all Bézier points if you have previously selected a Bézier curve. If the All control points in Bézier editor option is not marked, only the control points of the selected Bézier points will be visible.

Obrys každého objektu

LibreOffice displays the contour line of each individual object when moving this object. The Contour of each individual object option enables you to see if single objects conflict with other objects in the target position. If you do not mark the Contour of each individual object option, LibreOffice only displays a square contour that includes all selected objects.

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