LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Určuje vlastnosti tabuliek v textových dokumentoch.
Specifies the default settings for columns and rows and the table mode. Also specifies the standard values for moving and inserting columns and rows. For further information see
.Defines the defaults for all newly created text tables in text documents.
Určuje, že prvý riadok tabuľky bude formátovaný pomocou štýlu odseku 'Záhlavie tabuľky'.
Určuje, či sa má záhlavie tabuľky opakovať na každej novej strane.
Určuje, že tabuľky sa nemajú rozdeľovať pri žiadnom type zalomenia textu. Túto možnosť nájdete aj v ponuke Tabuľka - Vlastnosti – Tok textu.
Určuje, že tabuľky majú implicitne mať ohraničenie.
Specifies that numbers entered into a text table cell are recognized and formatted as numbers. Table cells in LibreOffice Writer can recognize a number when it is represented in one of the number formats available in categories of Numbers, Percent, Currency, Date, Time, Scientific, Fraction and Boolean.
The recognized number is displayed with default number format for table cells, and sets the cell format to the recognized category. For example, if a number is recognized as Date, the cell format category is set to Date. You can set a specific number format for the cell, for example, a date entered as 8/3/2018 displays as Thursday March 8, 2018 when the cell number format is set to "Friday, December 31, 1999" in the Number Format dialog.
Recognized Date and Time numbers are converted to internal date and time serial values. Percent numbers are converted internally to their numeric values. Boolean values are converted internally to 0 or 1.
When an input cannot be recognized as a number, the number category changes to Text and the input is not changed.
If Number recognition is not marked in the Options, numbers are saved in text format and are automatically left-aligned.
If Number format recognition is not marked, only input in the format that has been set at the cell is accepted. Any other input resets the format to Text.
For example, if a cell contains a date value and has its cell format as date, a new input of a percent value in the cell set the cell format to Text and the percent input number is not recognized.
When Number format recognition is marked, input numbers sets the cell format to the recognized number category.
Určuje, že sa čísla zarovnávajú vpravo a dole. Ak toto pole nie je zaškrtnuté, čísla sú v bunke vždy zarovnané vľavo hore.
Direct formatting is not influenced by the Alignment field. If you center align the cell contents directly, they remain centered irrespective of whether text or numbers are involved.
Defines the default settings for moving rows and columns with the keyboard.
Určuje hodnotu použitú pri presune riadku.
Určuje hodnotu použitú pri presune stĺpca.
Specifies the default settings for inserting rows and columns with the keyboard.
Určuje predvolenú hodnotu pre vkladanie riadkov.
Určuje predvolenú hodnotu pre vkladanie stĺpcov.
Determines the relative effect of rows and columns on adjacent rows or columns, as well as on the entire table.
Určuje, že zmeny riadku či stĺpca ovplyvnia iba zodpovedajúce susednú oblasť.
Určuje, že zmeny riadku či stĺpca majú vplyv na celú tabuľku.
Určuje, že zmeny riadku či stĺpca ovplyvňujú veľkosť tabuľky.