LibreOffice 25.2 Help
You can insert text into other document types, such as spreadsheets and presentations. Note that there is a difference between whether the text is inserted into a frame, a spreadsheet cell, or into the outline view of a presentation.
If you copy text to the clipboard, you can paste it with or without text attributes. Use the shortcut keys
+C to copy and +V to paste.Ak chcete vybrať formát, v ktorom sa vloží obsah schránky, kliknite na šípku vedľa ikony Vložiť na paneli Štandardný, alebo zvoľte Upraviť - Vložiť inak a potom vyberte správny formát.
If a text document contains headings formatted with the Heading Paragraph Style, choose File - Send - Outline to Presentation. A new presentation document is created, which contains the headings as an outline.
If you want to transfer each heading together with its accompanying paragraphs, select the File - Send - AutoAbstract to Presentation command. You must have formatted the headings with a corresponding Paragraph Style to be able to see this command.
Pokiaľ označíte text a pretiahnete ho do zošitu, vloží sa do bunky, kde uvoľníte tlačidlo myši.
Pokiaľ pretiahnete text do normálneho zobrazenia prezentácie, vloží sa OLE objekt ako zásuvný modul LibreOffice.
Pokiaľ pretiahnete text do prezentácie v zobrazení s osnovou, vloží sa na miesto, kde sa nachádza kurzor.