Digitally Signing the Signature Line

LibreOffice lets you sign digitally a signature line in your document.

On signing a signature line, LibreOffice fills the line with the name of signer, adds the digital certificate issuer information and optionally insert the date of signature.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Select the signature line graphic object context menu. Choose Sign Signature Line.

Your Name

Ako podpisovateľ dokumentu zadajte svoje meno. Vaše meno bude vložené nad vodorovnú čiaru podpisu.


Kliknutím na tlačidlo Vybrať certifikát otvoríte dialógové okno Vybrať certifikát, kde sú uvedené vaše certifikáty. Vyberte certifikát vhodný na podpísanie dokumentu.


The information of the certificate issuer is inserted in the bottom of the Signature Line object.

Instructions from the document creator

This area displays the instructions entered by the document creator when adding the signature line.

Add comments

Enter comments about the signature. The comments are displayed in the Description field of the certificate.


If enabled when the signature line was created, the date of signature is inserted on the top right of the signature line object.

Signed Signature Line

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