
Priradí makrá programovým udalostiam. Priradené makro sa spustí automaticky zakaždým, keď dôjde k vybranej udalosti.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Choose Tools - Customize - Events tab.

Uložiť v

Najprv vyberte, kam sa má väzba udalosti uložiť, či v aktuálnom dokumente alebo v LibreOffice.


A macro that is saved with a document can only be run when that document is opened.

The big list box lists the events and the assigned macros. After you selected the location in the Save In list box, select an event in the big list box. Then click Assign Macro.

Priradiť makro

Opens the Macro Selector dialog to assign a macro to the selected event.

Assign Component...

Opens the Assign Component dialog to set a custom UNO command for the selected event.


Component assignment is proposed for controls in the Dialog Editor.

Zmazať makro

Odstráni priradenie makra alebo komponentu pre vybranú udalosť.

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