
Assigns or edits the shortcut keys for LibreOffice commands, or LibreOffice Basic macros.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Choose Tools - Customize - Keyboard tab. A document must be opened.

You can assign or edit shortcut keys for the current application or for all LibreOffice applications. To assign a key for all applications, choose the LibreOffice radio button in the top right corner.

To assign or modify a shortcut key: select a command in the Function list, select the key combination to be assigned in the Shortcut Keys list, then click Assign.

If the selected function already has a shortcut key, it is displayed in the Keys list. It is possible to assign the same function to more than one key.

A shortcut key assigned to a particular application overrides the shortcut key setting made in LibreOffice for all applications.


Avoid assigning shortcut keys that are currently used by your operating system.

Klávesové skratky

Lists the shortcut keys and the associated commands. When inside this panel, use a shortcut key to quickly jump to it.


Lists the function categories and the LibreOffice functions that you can assign shortcut keys to.


Uvádza dostupné kategórie funkcií. Ak chcete skratky priradiť štýlom, otvorte kategóriu Štýly.


Lists functions that can be assigned to a shortcut key.


Displays the shortcut keys that are assigned to the selected function.


Displays shortcut keys that are common to all LibreOffice applications.

Displays shortcut keys for the current LibreOffice application.


Assigns the key combination selected in the Shortcut keys list to the command selected in the Function list.


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Uloží aktuálnu konfiguráciu klávesových skratiek, aby ste ju mohli načítať neskôr.


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