LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Nastavte možnosti výplne pre vybraný grafický objekt alebo prvok dokumentu.
You can add custom colors, gradients, hatchings, two color patterns and image patterns to the default lists for later use.
Choose View - Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Paragraph, Frame or Page style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab.
Choose Table - Properties - Background tab. Select the table object - Cell, Row or Table - which background area is to be filled.
Choose Format - Page Style - Area tab.
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Area - Area
Choose Styles - Manage Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Cell or Page style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Background tab.
Choose Format - Page Style - Background tab
Choose Format - Cells - Background tab
Choose Format - Object - Area - Area tab.
Choose Format - Style - Edit Style - Area tab
Choose Slide - Properties - Background tab
Choose Format - Styles - Manage Styles (Command+TF11), choose Drawing or Presentation style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab.
Choose Format - Object and Shape - Area - Area tab
Choose Format - Style - Edit Style - Area tab
Choose Format - Styles - Manage Styles (Command+TF11), choose Drawing style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab.
Choose Page - Properties - Background tab.
Choose Format - Area - Area tab
Choose Format - Title - Area tab.
Choose Format - Legend - Area tab.
Zvoľte záložku Formát - Zadná stena grafu - Oblasť.
Choose Format - Chart Floor - Area.
Choose Format - Chart Area - Area.
When editing a form:
Choose View - Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Paragraph, Frame or Page style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab.
Choose Table - Properties - Background tab. Select the table object - Cell, Row or Table - which background area is to be filled.
Choose Format - Page Style - Area tab.
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Area - Area
When editing a report:
Choose Format - Page - Background tab.
Choose View - Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Paragraph, Frame or Page style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab.
Choose Table - Properties - Background tab. Select the table object - Cell, Row or Table - which background area is to be filled.
Choose Format - Page Style - Area tab.
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Area - Area
Nevyplňujte vybraný objekt.
Vyplní objekt prechodom vybraným na tejto stránke.
Vyplní objekt šrafovacím vzorom vybraným na tejto stránke.
You can quickly select fill options from the list boxes on the Drawing Object Properties toolbar.
Use the slide background as a fill. This differs from "None" in that the area is actually filled with the slide background at that location, instead of simply showing what is behind the shape.
Use Background: the object area is filled with the background fill. The object covers the blue circle.
Fill: The object uses the same gradient fill of the background. The object covers the blue circle.
None: the object does not have a fill. The blue circle is visible though the object.
Select the type of fill that you want to apply to the selected drawing object.