
Sets the alignment of the paragraph relative to the margins of page.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Choose Format - Paragraph - Alignment tab.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu of an entry and choose New/Edit Style - Alignment tab.


Set the alignment options for the current paragraph.


Aligns the paragraph to the left page margin. If Asian language support is enabled, this option is named Left/Top.

Icon on the Formatting Bar:

Icon Align Left

Zarovnať vľavo


Aligns the paragraph to the right page margin. If Asian language support is enabled, this option is named Right/Bottom.

Icon on the Formatting Bar:

Icon Align Right

Zarovnať vpravo


Centers the contents of the paragraph on the page.

Icon on the Formatting Bar:

Icon Centered


Aligns the paragraph to the left and to the right page margins.

Icon on the Formatting Bar:

Icon Justified

Do bloku

Zachytávať na mriežku textu (ak je aktívna)

Aligns the paragraph to a text grid. To activate the text grid, choose Format - Page Style - Text Grid.

Text na text


Select an alignment option for oversized or undersized characters in the paragraph relative to the rest of the text in the paragraph.


Smer textu

Určite smer textu pre odsek, ktorý používa komplexné rozloženie textu (CTL). Táto vlastnosť je dostupná, len ak je povolené komplexné rozloženie.

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