
Prijať alebo odmietnuť jednotlivé zmeny.

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Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List tab.

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes. The AutoCorrect dialog appears.
Click the Edit Changes button and navigate to the List tab.

The List tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the Filter tab, and then select your filter criteria.

Pole výberu

Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. Hold down while you click to select multiple entries in the list.


To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose Edit - Comment.

After you accept or reject a change, the entries of the list are re-ordered according to "Accepted" or "Rejected" status.


Lists the changes that were made in the document.


Lists the user who made the change.


Lists the date and time that the change was made.


Lists the comments that are attached to the change.


Prijme vybranú zmenu a odstráni zvýraznenie súvisiace so zmenou v dokumente.


Odmietne vybranú zmenu a odstráni jej zvýraznenie v dokumente.

Prijať všetko

Prijme všetky zmeny a odstráni zvýraznenie z dokumentu.

Odmietnuť všetko

Odmietne všetky zmeny a odstráni ich zvýraznenie v dokumentu.

There are additional commands in the context menu of the list:

Upraviť poznámku

Upraví komentár vybranej zmeny.


Sorts the list according to the column headings.


Sorts the list according to the type of change.


Sorts the list according to the author.


Sorts the list according to the date and time.


Sorts the list according to the comments that are attached to the changes.

Umiestnenie dokumentu

Sorts the list in a descending order according to the position of the changes in the document. This is the default sorting method.

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