Modify DDE Links

Change the properties for the selected DDE link.

Pre prĂ­stup k tomuto prĂ­kazu...

Choose Edit - External Links - Modify (DDE links only).

Modify Link

Lets you set the properties for the selected link.


Lists the application that last saved the source file. LibreOffice applications have the server name soffice.


Path to the source file. Relative paths must be expressed by full URI, for example, with file://.


Zobrazuje oblasĆ„ alebo objekt zdrojovĂ©ho sĂșboru, ku ktorĂ©mu sa odkaz vzĆ„ahuje. Je moĆŸnĂ© zadaĆ„ novĂș oblasĆ„ alebo objekt.

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