LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Označte oblasť tabuľky s dátami vrátane záhlavia riadkov a stĺpcov.
Choose Insert - Pivot Table. The Select Source dialog appears. Choose Current selection and confirm with OK. The table headings are shown as buttons in the Pivot Table dialog. Drag these buttons as required and drop them into the layout areas "Filters", "Column Fields", "Row Fields" and "Data Fields".
Presuňte požadované tlačidla do jednej zo štyroch oblastí.
Drag a button to the Filters area to create a button and a listbox on top of the generated pivot table. The listbox can be used to filter the pivot table by the contents of the selected item. You can use drag-and-drop within the generated pivot table to use another page field as a filter.
Tlačidlo presunuté do časti Dátové pole zobrazí i funkciu, ktorá bude použitá na dáta.
Dvojitým kliknutím na tlačidlo v časti Dátové pole vyvoláte dialógové okno Dátové pole.
Use the CommandCtrl key while clicking the desired calculation.
dialog to select the calculations to be used for the data. To make a multiple selection, press thePoradie tlačidiel je možné kedykoľvek zmeniť presunutím myšou na novú pozíciu.
Tlačidlo odstránite pretiahnutím do pravej časti dialógu.
To open the Data Field dialog, double-click one of the buttons in the Row Fields or Column Fields area. Use the dialog to select if and to what extent LibreOffice calculates display subtotals.
Exit the Pivot Table dialog by pressing OK. A Filter button will now be inserted, or a page button for every data field that you dropped in the Filters area. The pivot table is inserted further down.