LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Zadajte nastavenia pre výpočet a prezentáciu medzisúčtov.
Vloží novú stranu za každú skupinu medzisúčtov.
Pri zmene veľkosti popisu dát prepočíta medzisúčty.
Sorts the area that you selected in the Group by box of the Group tabs according to the columns that you selected.
Pri zoraďovaní berie do úvahy atribúty formátovania.
Uses a custom sorting order that you defined in the Options dialog box at LibreOffice Calc - Sort Lists.
Sorts beginning with the lowest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on .
Sorts beginning with the highest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on .