LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Xiyyo doorranni woyite, Xiyyote Gaxi xiyyote suudisatenna ofoshiishate lowo geeshsha kaa'lanno assishsha aannohe.
Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or to a selected object.
Places the object on a separate line in the document. The Text in the document appears above and below the object, but not on the sides of the object.
You can also choose this setting on the Wrap tab page.
Wraps text on all four sides of the border frame of the object.
This icon represents the Page Wrap option on the Wrap tab page.
Places the object in front of the text.
You can also define this setting on the Wrap tab page.
Aligns the left edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the left edge of the object is aligned to the left page margin.
Horizontally centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the horizontal center of the page.
Aligns the right edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Impress or Draw, the right edge of the object is aligned to the right page margin.
Vertically aligns the top edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the top edge of the object is aligned to the upper page margin.
Vertically centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the vertical center of the page.
Dooramino uduunnichi umaali qacce hossicha diri. mittu uduunichi callu dooramiro misilete woy dinqeefachishate giddo, uduunnichoho umaali qacce aliidi qacce qooxora diri.
Farote uduunni gaxa fanate faruwate bido kisi, hakkiicho shittete faro woy uduunnicho soorrate dandattowa kisi.
Xuruuru akati uduunnichi gaxa fanate tenne bido qiphisi, hakkiino qaccete xuruuri akata soorrate dandaatto dargaati.
Xuruuru kuula bido kisi(faranniha) farote kuuli uduunni gaxa fanate, uduunniha farote kuula soorrate kaa'lannoheho.
Uduunni-gaxa fanate gufote badhiidi kuula qipheessate dandaattowa qipheessi. Kuulu xaa gufo badheenni woy doorantino guforaworamanno.
Borrotenna uduunnira mitto woy mittu aleenni ikkitino ofolla caccafo kalaqate horoonsira dandaatto xiyyo surki.
Dooramino uduunnicho umaalo suunote aantewa millisi, hakko daafira wolu uduunnichi albaanni ikkanno.
Dooramino uduunnicho lekkaali suunote aantewa millisi, hakko daafira wolu uduunnichi badheenni ikkanno.
Allows you to switch between anchoring options.
Doorantino xiyyo aantanno xiyyora xaadisanno. Borro umi-loosaanchinni mitte xiyyonni wolete du'nantanno.
Lame xiyyubba mereeri xaado tayisanno. Doorantino xiyyonni gawalote xiyyo geeshsha noo xaadishsha calla tayisa dandaatto.