
Tini kifile LibreOffice borreessaanchi giddo uduunni-gaxita xaphooma orte gudise leellishshannota uyitanno. Tini lao LibreOfficete udiinugaxi qinoo gade xawisano.

Bixxilluwanna Kiiro somate Gaxa

The Bullets and Numbering bar contains functions to modify the structure of list paragraphs, including changing their order and list level.

Misilsate Gaxa

Misilsate gaxi marro marro hinge horoonsi'nanni muccishate uduunne amadino. Ledote hajajo amadino uduunni-gaxa fanate bidotenni aanchite worbicho qiphisi.

Uduunnichu Akatta Gaxa Misilsa

Uduunnichu Akatta Misilsate gaxa Borreessaanchinna Kaalki giddo la"ate dandaatto. Illachi - Uduunni-gaxa - Uduunnichu Akatta Misilsate mayino doori. Misilsate uduunni dooramanno woyite qorqoraasine dandiitannore ikkitanno. Mite addi addi bido gadetenni la"atto, xaa bortaje borrote bortaje woy isipriidishitte ikkito hooggo yaate.

Find Bar

The Find toolbar can be used to quickly search the contents of LibreOffice documents.


The Fontwork toolbar opens when you select a Fontwork object.

Suudisate Gaxa

The Formatting bar contains several text formatting functions.

Formete Qorqorshuwa

The Form Controls toolbar or sub-menu contains tools that you need to create an interactive form. You can use the toolbar or sub-menu to add controls to a form in a text, drawing, spreadsheet, presentation, or HTML document, for example a button that runs a macro.

Dooyyishate Gaxi Forme

Formete Dooyyishi gaxi contains icons to edit a daatubeeze shae muccishate woy daatu illacha qorqorate bido amadino. Gaxu daatu beezete ledo xaadisantinite bare afidhino bortajete hunda leeltanno.

Xiyyo Gaxa

Xiyyo doorranni woyite, Xiyyote Gaxi xiyyote suudisatenna ofoshiishate lowo geeshsha kaa'lanno assishsha aannohe.

Xiyyo Gaxa

Misilete Gaxi dooratino bitimaappe giraafishshi suudisatenna ofoshshiishate assishsha amadino.


Uduunni gaxu xiyyubbate surkammera babbaxino assiishshubba, giraafichuwa, shaubba, nna wole uduunne amadino.


LibreLogo is a simple, localized, Logo-like programming environment with turtle vector graphics for teaching of computing (programming and word processing), DTP and graphic design. See http://www.numbertext.org/logo/librelogo.pdf.

Mail Merge Toolbar

The Mail Merge Toolbar contains commands for the final steps of the mail merge process.

Media Playback Toolbar

Open the Media Playback toolbar


Shows or hides the Tools bar.

Navigate Toolbar

Open Navigate toolbar.

OLE Object Bar

The OLE Object bar appears when objects are selected, and contains the most important functions for formatting and positioning objects.

Mereggisa Gaxa

Mereggisu gaxi baalunku LibreOffice loosansiiso giddo heeranno.

Shae Gaxa

Shaete Gaxi shaetenni loosate hasiisannohe yannara ikkanno assishsha amadino. Daannohuno wirsa shete giddora qolte milli assatto woyiteeti.

Borro Uduunnichu Gaxa

Borro suudisate hajajo uduunnicho misilsate giddo einoha amadino. Borrote Uduunnichi gaxi daannohu misilsate uduunnichi giddo lameegge qiphisatto woyiteeti.


Shows or hides the Tools bar.

Track Changes Toolbar

Contains the commands that are available for tracking changes in your file.

Classification Toolbar

The Classification bar contains tools to help secure document handling.

The Classification toolbar contains listboxes to help in selecting the security of the document, according to the BAF category policy and BAILS levels. LibreOffice will add custom fields in the document properties (File - Properties, Custom Properties tab) to store the classification policy as document metadata.

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