Qaallate Fikiimuwwa

  1. Word and character count is shown in the status bar, and is kept up to date as you edit.

  2. Bortajekkita ikkitiyo geeshshi borro calla kiira hasi'rittoro borro doori.

  3. To display extended statistics such as count of characters without spaces, double click the word count in the status bar, or choose Tools - Word Count.

LibreOffice hiitto qaalla kiiranno?

In general, every string of characters between two spaces is a word. Dashes, tabs, line breaks, and paragraph breaks are word limits, too.

Words with always visible hyphens, as in plug-in, add-on, user/config, are counted as one word each.

Qaalla fidallate karso ikkitara dandiitanno, kironna fila fikiimmano hattonni konni daafira aante noo borro shoole qaalla gede kiirantanno;abc 123.23 "$" http; //

To add a custom character to be considered as the word limit, choose - LibreOffice Writer - General and add the character into the Additional separators field.

Tugote Bido

Bortajete daafira ikkitiyo geeshshi istaafistikse afi'rate , Fayile -jajja - Istaatis tkse doori.

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