LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Qixxaawo addi suudishshi akatto giraafisha, shaenna uduunnuwwanna wole mashalaqqe amaddino bortajeeti Qixxaawo wole bortaje qineessate horoonsi’nanni kaimaati. Lawishsho borgufanna fikiimu akaatta,Bortajete giddo xawisa dandaatto bortaje qixxaawote gede suuqqe ka’e qixxaawo haaroo bortaje mittu akatinni kalaqate horoonsi’ri.
You can set a default template, so every new LibreOffice document would use it, unless you specified otherwise (for example, when you create a new document from a different template).
LibreOffice has a number of predefined templates that you can use to create different types of text documents, such as business letters.