LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Borreessaanchu bortaje giddo lifixa badaano illaallichinshay qaallara mashalaqqenna assiishsha ledde uyitanno.Fano bifuwwa baxxitino lifixa badaano seedishshuwwara baxxitiyota ikkitara dandiitanno.
LibreOffice borreessaanchira lifixa badaano seedishshu wwa gede shiqisha dandiinanni.
Lifixa badaano bayisiisate konninni aante noori giddonni mitto assi:
Save the *.oxt-extension file to your hard drive, then double-click the *.oxt file in your file manager. Alternatively, in LibreOffice choose Add and browse to the file.
to open the Extensions dialog, clickFayilete ledinna soroowi qiphiassi weebete qooli aana Lifixa badaancho *0x+ fiyile xaadisaancho qiphi assite gadete xaadisaancho fani. Kuni garunni qinaabbino soroow aancho hasi'ranno.
Any text in a Writer document can be marked with a Smart Tag, by default a magenta colored underline. You can change the color in
.When you point to a Smart Tag, a tip help informs you to Shift+F10.
-click to open the Smart Tags menu. If you don't use a mouse, position the cursor inside the marked text and open the context menu byIn the Smart Tags menu you see the available actions that are defined for this Smart Tag. Choose an option from the menu. The Smart Tags page of Tools - Autocorrect Options.
command opens theWhen you have installed at least one Smart Tags extension, you see the Smart Tags page in . Use this dialog to enable or disable Smart Tags and to manage the installed tags.
Lifixa Badaancho gede egennantino borro umilooraanchu fidalishshu buuxaanchonni dibuuxantanno.