LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Bortajekki giddo kifilla noormaale borro widira gargadha maaxanna soorra dandaatto.
Suudishsha - Kifilla doori.
Suudishsha-kifilla doori HajajoCtrl+A xiiwanna Shift+kisi Woy HajajoCtrl+kisi mite ikkitino kifilla doorate dandaatto.
dirto giddo , woyyeessa hasi’ratto kifile kisi dirtote giddo baala kifilla filateAane noorini mito assi:
Kifile noormaale borro widira soorrate, Huni kisi.
Kifile nabbawi-caua assate, gargarantino bulxi saaxine borreessaanchu gargarooshshi qarqarira fili.
Add an optional protection password. The password can be empty and no password will be required to remove protection. If the password is not empty, it will be required to unprotect the section.
Kifile maaxate, Maxi qarqari giddo Maxibuuxi saaxine fili.
A warning message is displayed if you try to edit protected sections.
To remove protection of a section, do the following:
Select the section to unprotect in the
area of the dialog.Uncheck the
option in the area of the dialog.If the section was protected with a non-empty password, type the password into the dialog that opens.