Xaadooshu- Maqishubba Surki

Xaadooshu maqish tircho bortaje gido baxi tino boroniwaa we ranna uduuni wa kubbate kaa'lanohe xaadisaanchi maqishi bortajete gido gawalonna Masha laqi saaneno baretegede surkinooniha amadino.

Boro kulotenna maxaati malaatu ledo noo udduune gawalate horoonsi'nani.

Xaadooshu Maqishi Boro.

Xadooshu maqisha surkatora alba, vmo boroki gido gawalo badda hasiisano.

Gawalo Sukate

  1. Xaadooshu maqishira gawallo assu hasirato boro fili.

  2. Surki - Xaadooshu - Maqisha doori

  3. Tiypete dirri giddo "maqishu gambooshe"fili simu.

  4. saaxine gido gawolo suma tayipe assi tilooto boro hornyu saaxine gido fultano.

  5. Surka. qiphi assi gawalote su'mi kifillate dirri giddora lexxino.

Hasaawu fanoni flute aante no kifle sai.

Gawaluto Maadooshu Maqisha Kalaqate

  1. Borote, xaadooshu maqisha surka hasiratowa wirsa wori.

  2. Hasaawa fanate Surka - Xadooshu -Maqisha doori, busho fanamokiha ikkiro.

  3. Taypete dirri giddo " maqisha surki" fili

  4. Fillute dirrini, Xaadooshu -Maqishira hasirato guwalo fili.

  5. In the Refer using list, select the format for the cross-reference. The format specifies the type of information that is displayed as the cross-reference. For example, "Reference" inserts the target text, and "Page" inserts the page number where the target is located. For footnotes the footnote number is inserted.

  6. Surka qiphiassi.

  7. Guduro Cufa qiphi assi.

Xaadooshu-maqisha yanneesi

Bortajekigido garagisha, misilete uduune, OLE uduune, roore assa dandaato sha'e sa'eno boroxawishu noonsare Xaadoshu - Magisha.

  1. Xadooshu - maqisha surka hasiritoro, bortajete gido qiphi assi.

  2. Surki - Xaadooshu - Maqisha doori

  3. Taypete dirigido uduunichu boroxawishu fuula fili

  4. Fillote dirrigido, xadooshu-maqishira hasirato uduune boro xawishi kiiro fili.

  5. In the Refer using list, select the format of the cross-reference. The format specifies the type of information that is displayed as the cross-reference. For example, "Reference" inserts the caption category and caption text of the object.

  6. Surka qiphiassi.

  7. Guduro Cufa qiphi assi.

Xaadooshu-maqisha yanneesi

Bortajeki gido xaadooshu - Maqisha angatenni yanneesate, Uduune - Yanneesa - bare mayino wiini woy F9 qiphi assi.

Tugote Bido

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