Borguffubba Hulfa

Xaa borguto, woy baala fili borguffubba woy borguto akati hulto soorra dandaato.


Xuruurancho hosoonsi ratenni hulto gambisanno dandaato. Xuruuraancho fushshate La'a - xuruura doori.

Positioning indents

Ori'xuruurancho horonsiratenni hulfo gaamissanno dandaato. Qiniixeenni borgufo kisse, Borgufote buuxishshi-Akkatta-Hultonna foonqe, baala mitto akata.


To change the measurement units, choose - LibreOffice Writer - General, and then select a new measurement unit in the Settings area.

Affidhino borguto Hulto soorrate doori Hulto gurranna qiiniiteeni noo qano darga shallagi. Bargu to funu dargira lossa hasiritoro negeetiive kiiro Suki Boreesinanni ragainni kainohunni hulto babbaxxittanno. Lawishaho Borote Albaanni hutote hornya gura-nni-qiniite Affuubba aana lai Borigutote gurayiidi qacce, qoolu gurayiidi fanno darga hulfamino. Qiniiti-nni-gurayiidi Affuubba giddo qiniti qacce borgufo qiniiti qacee qooli Fanno darga hulfantino.

Hanging indents

Hulfo sutate, poseetiive hornya Borrote Albaanna negeeiive hornya umi xuruurirasurki.

The Hanging Indent icon is found in the Paragraph section of the Properties sidebar. Click on this icon to switch the values of Before text and First line. This enables you to toggle a paragraph between an indented first line and a hanging indent.

To create a hanging indent: Enter a first line indent where you want the indent to start, then click the Hanging Indent icon to create the hanging indent.

Hanging Indent Icon

Hanging Indent Icon

The Hanging Indent command can be added as a button to a toolbar, an item in a menu or context menu, or a shortcut key.

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