LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Bare horoonsi'ratenni aane noo qooli kiiro qarriweelo eessa dandaatto.
Qoolu kiiro leltannohu aantino qoolla heedhuro callaati.
Choose Insert - Header and Footer - Footer and select the page style that you want to add the footer to.
Wirsa lekkaalloonni worte bare - eessa - doori.
Barete hasaawi giddo, Bortajete fincaancho qiphi assi.
Click 'Page' in the Type list and 'Next page' in the Select list.
Click a numbering scheme in the
list.Suudishsha diri giddo āBorro' doorittoro Hornyu saaxine giddo worootto bare borro cava e'anno.
Bare qoolu kiiro ledo Eessateeessa qiphi assi.