LibreOffice 25.2 Help
LibreOffice umiloosaansunni doorshu qooli akata wo'mu (gura) nna mango qoolla (qiniiti) bortajekki giddo loosaansa dandaanno. Lawishshaho; babbaxxino umaallishshanna lekkaallishsha wo'munna mangooqoolla aana lellishate horoonsi'ra. Dandaatto. Xaa qooli akati loosu dargi qaccera deerru gaxi giddo leellino.
, and then click the icon.Qoolu akatta dirto giddo, "Gura Qoolla" qiniite kisse Wayyeessi doori.
Xaphoomu ggishsho kisi
Aananno akati saaxine giddo “Qiniiti Qoola" filte, hakkiinn EE kisi.
Qoolu akatta dirto giddo, “Qiniiti qoola" qiniite kisse Woyyeessi doori.
Aananno Akati saaxine giddo "Gura Qoola" filte, hakkiinni EE kisi.
Go to the first page in your document, and double-click "Right Page" in the list of page styles in the Styles window.
To add a header to one of the page styles, choose
, and choose the page style that you want to add the header to. In the header frame, type the text that you want to use as the header.To add a footer to one of the page styles, choose
, and choose the page style that you want to add the footer to. In the footer frame, type the text that you want to use as a footer.If you do not want to have a header or a footer on the title page of your document, apply the "First Page" style to the title page.
Bortajekki giddo lame mullicho woy wo'ma qoolla mimmito aantuha ikkiro, borreessaanchu gadetenni mullicho qoola eessanno, Umiloosaa Nsunni hakkuri kalaqantino mulloota qoolla attamamatenninna PDE widira fulatenni hoola dandaatto
Choose LibreOffice - DooruwwaUduunnuwwa - Doorshuwwa - LibreOffice Borreessaancho - Attami doori.
Umiloosaansunni eino mulloota qoolla buuxi malaate attamishshunni buni