Dani qooli akatira baalaho loossanno

Qorophishu Bido

In Writer, you define borders for page styles, not individual pages. All changes made to borders apply to all pages that use the same page style. Note that page style changes cannot be undone by the Undo function in LibreOffice.

Balanxe Tirroonni Qacce akata Qineessate

  1. Choose Format - Page Style - Borders.

  2. Gadete giddo gadete qaccuwwa akatta giddonni mitto fili.

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. Select the distance between the border lines and the page contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  5. Soorro loosaansate EE kisi

Woyyado Qaccete akata qineessate

  1. Choose Format - Page Style - Borders.

  2. In the User-defined area select the edge(s) that you want to appear in a common layout. Click on an edge in the preview to toggle the selection of an edge.

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. Jeefonnita lame aante baala qacce birxera marro qolte assi.

  5. Select the distance between the border lines and the page contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  6. Soorro loosaansate EE kisi

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