
Xuruuru goofimarchira addinta ssdde xaada gibbanno qaall mereero qaalla xaadisanno haawiittote bicamme surki.

LibreOffice searches the document and suggests hyphenation that you can accept or reject. If text is selected, the Hyphenation dialog works on the selected text only. If no text is selected, the Hyphenation dialog works on the whole document.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Uduunne - Afoo - Haawiichchisha doori

On the Tools bar, click

Icon Hyphenation


Using Hyphenation

Xaata woy doorantu bortaje bayichonkonni bicammete xaadisate , Suudisa - Borgufodoori, aanchite Borrote Lolanke giggishsha qiphisi. Qolteno tenne haawiiccisha wiinamunni borgufote akatira losiisa dandaatto . Borrote giddo wiinamunni haawiiccisha dandeessate , haawiiccishate hasaawi miito qaale nafa bicammete xaadinsara dihasiranno.

$[Offisetesu'ma] haawiiccishama hasiranno qaale hasidhanno woyite, konni woroonni noo doorshi giddo mitto loosi:


To exclude paragraphs from the automatic hyphenation, select the paragraphs, choose Format - Paragraph, click the Text Flow tab, and then clear the Automatically check box in the Hyphenation area.


To disable the Hyphenation dialog and always hyphenate automatically, choose - Languages and Locales - Writing Aids, and select the Hyphenate without inquiry check box.

Angatenni haawiicco bicamme bortajete giddo eessate, eessate hasirootto hattee haawiicco bicammewa qaali giddo qiphisi, hakkiinni aanchite +Xeishshu malaate (-) xiiwi.

To insert a non-breaking (protected) hyphen directly in the document, click in the word that you want to hyphenate, and then press Shift++Minus sign(-).

To hide soft hyphens, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Formatting Aids, and then clear the Custom hyphens check box.



Dooramino qaalira haawiiccishate shiqqanno hedo leellishi.

Gurayid / Qinniidi Worbicho

Haawiicco-bicammeta ofollo qineessi woy taashshi. Kuni doorshi heera dandaannohu mittu aleenni ikkitinoti haawiiccishshaho shiqqino hedo leeltannoha ikkiro callaati.


Haawiiccishshaho shiqqino hedo habbe woy agurte aananno qaale haawiiccishate hasi.


Haawittote-bicamme leellinshoonni bayicho surki.


Leellinshoonni qaali aaninni xaa woy muli yanna giddo haawiiccinshoonni naxiwe huni.

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