LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Sets the properties of the section.
Type a name for the new section. By default, LibreOffice automatically assigns the name "Section X" to new sections, where X is a consecutive number.
Inserts the contents of another document or section from another document in the current section.
Creates a DDE link. Select this check box, and then enter the DDE command that you want to use. The DDE option is only available if the Link check box is selected.
Xaphooma DDE hajajo ganallo: "<Server> <Topic> <Item>"ikkitanna, hakkiicho owaataancho DDE daata amaddino losiinsanni su'maseeti. Umu xawisannohu danu leellanno bayicho ikkanna (duucha hige rosminohu fayilete su'maati), danu leellishannohuno halaalaancho kaimu su'masiiti.
For example, to insert a section named "Section1" from a LibreOffice text document abc.odt as a DDE link, use the command: "soffice x:\abc.odt Section1". To insert the contents of the first cell from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file called "abc.xls", use the command: "excel x:\[abc.xls]Sheet1 z1s1". You can also copy the elements that you want to insert as a DDE link, and then Edit - Paste Special. You can then view the DDE command for the link, by selecting the contents and choosing Edit - Fields.
Enter the path and the filename for the file that you want to insert, or click the Browse button to locate the file. If the DDE check box is selected, enter the DDE command that you want to use.
Locate the file that you want to insert as a link, and then click Insert.
Select the section in the file that you want to insert as a link.
Xaadisanchunni xaaddino kifilla amaddino bortaje fanatto woyite, xaadisaancho yanneessate feeffate agara noohe.
Prevents the selected section from being edited.
Protects the selected section with a password. The password must have a minimum of 5 characters.
Opens a dialog where you can change the current password.
Hides and prevents the selected section from being printed. The components of a hidden sections appear gray in the Navigator. When you rest your mouse pointer over a hidden component in the Navigator, the Help tip "hidden" is displayed.
Amaadote qooli callu qoolu aana dayiha ikkiro hattee kifile maaxa didandaatto, woy umaalli, lekkaalli, lekkaalli qaagishshi, xiyyo woy shaeta bisicci giddo ikkiro.
Enter the condition that must be met to hide the section. A condition is a logical expression, such as "SALUTATION EQ Mr.". For example, if you use the mail merge form letter feature to define a database field called "Salutation" that contains "Mr.", "Ms.", or "Sir or Madam", you can then specify that a section will only be printed if the salutation is "Mr.".
Wolu lawishsha ikkara dandaannohu barete soorramaancho "x" kalaqatenna ise waagi 1 ikkanno gede qineessate. Aantetetenne maanxanni kifilera kalaqantino soorramaancho kaiminni ikkito badate,hakkuno: "x eq 1" labbannore yaate. Kifile leellisha hasirittoro, soorramaancho "x" waaga "0" widira soorri.
You see this area of the dialog when the current document is an XForms document.
Bortajete shiqo gari nabbawate-calla yaanno garinni shiqiha nafa ikkiro kifilete amadora muccisa fajjanno gede doori.