LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Ledote afirimala surkate hasirittoro "ledo s^k kayise k = 0 geeshsha n" Borreesaanchu borro bortaje giddo wirrisu aana.
.You see the Math input window and the Elements pane on the left.
From the list on the upper part of the Elements pane, select the Operators item.
In the lower part of the Elements pane, click the Sum icon.
Woriidi nna aliidi gumulla dandeessittoro, Ledotenni Aliidi nna Woriidi gumulla bido kisi.
Eote hullo giddo, umi darguamadaanchi woy malaatisaanchi dooramino, nna woriidi gumulo eate hanafa dandaatto:
k = 0
Aananno malatisaanchira ledate F4 xiiwi, nna aliidi gumulo ei:
Aananno malatisaanchira ledate F4 xiiwi, nna ledo ei:
Xa afirimalu jeefino. Afirimalu muccisaancho agursiisate borrote bortajekki gobbaanni kisi.
In the same way, you can enter an Integral formula with limits. When you click an icon from the Elements pane, the assigned text command is inserted in the input window. If you know the text commands, you can enter the commands directly in the input window.
.Eote hullo giddo kisi nnaaananno xuruura ei:
int from{a} to{b} f(x)`dx
A small gap exists between f(x) and dx, which you can also enter using the Elements pane: select the Formats item from the list on the top, then the Small Gap icon.
Fidalla f nna x, borangicho hasira giwittoro Gadete ilka kisi.
doori nna wole borangichuwa doori. Xaate aanini haaroo borangichuwa gadete garinni horonsirateBorrote xuruuri giddo afirimala hasirittoro, Gumulla xuruuru hojja leddanno. Gumulla ledote midaadira woy xuruuru hoja ajishanno Intijeraale malaatira worate
doora dandaatto.