LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Borro Suudisate Gaxa leellishate, wirsa borrote uduunnichira giddo wori.
Dirtote giddonni borrangichu su'ma doo'ra fajjannohe woy borrangichu su'ma noogedeenni doo'rate.
caccafotenni badantinore baca borrangichuwa eessa dandiinani,$[beerosu'mi] bashsho borrangichuwi afamannokkiro mitto mittonka su'ma guutishshaho horoonsi'ranno.
Allows you to choose between different font sizes from the list, or to enter a size manually.
Doorantino borro kee'misi. Wirsu qaalu giddo hee'riro, wo'ma qaale kee'minsanni. Dooramme woy qaalu balaxe kee'misaminoha ikkiro suudisa hunnanni.
Doorantino borro kee'misi. Wirsu qaalu giddo hee'riro, wo'ma qaale kee'minsanni. Dooramme woy qaalu balaxe kee'misaminoha ikkiro suudisa hunnanni.
Wirsu qaalu giddo nookkiha ikkiro,borro horo doorantinokkiha, qolteno borrangichu akati borreessato borrora loosaansisamanno.
Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.
Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the left and the right container margins. If you want, you can also specify the alignment options for the last line of a paragraph by choosing Format - Paragraph - Alignment.
Doorantino borro guffara bixxillantino naxibba gamanno, woy bixxillantinoborro guffawiinni hunannonsa.
Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, up one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, up one list level.
Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, down one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, down one list level.
Moves the paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected paragraphs, to before the previous paragraph.
Moves the paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected paragraphs, to after the next paragraph.
Changes the font and the font formatting for the selected characters.
Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.
Adds numbering or bullets to the current paragraph or to selected paragraphs, and lets you edit format of the numbering or bullets.