Xuruuranna Wonshinanni Gaxa

Xuruuranna Wonshinanni Gaxi xaa illachi aana loosiisa dandaatto hajajonna doorsha amadino.


With no object selected in the workspace, if you set the shape attributes like line thickness, line color, line style, area fill type and area fill style with the Line and Filling bar, then the line and filling settings are applied to new shapes, as direct formatting, overriding the shape Default Drawing Style attributes. To reset the attributes of the Line and Filling bar to those of the Default Drawing Style, unselect any object in the workspace and double-click on the Default Drawing Style entry in the Styles pane of the Sidebar. The next object you draw shows the Default Drawing Style.

Ofollona baqo

Resizes, moves, rotates, or slants the selected object.

Icon Position and Size

Ofolana Bikka

Align Objects

Dooramino uduunnicho mittu mittunku aantenni diri.

Albira abbi

Dooramino uduunnicho umaalo suunote aantewa millisi, hakko daafira wolu uduunnichi albaanni ikkanno.

Icon Bring to Front

Albira abi

Albira abbi

Dooramino uduunnicho mitto deerra alira qolte millisi, Hakko daafira umaalo duunote aantra muleeti.

Icon Bring Forward

Albira abi

Badhera qolte soyi

Dooramino uduunnicho mitto deerra worora qolte millisi, Hakko daafira lekkaalo duunote aantra muleeti.

Icon Send Backward

Badhilite soyi

Badhilicho soyi

Dooramino uduunnicho lekkaali suunote aantewa millisi, hakko daafira wolu uduunnichi badheenni ikkanno.

Icon Send to Back

Badhera soyi

In Front of Object

Changes the stacking order by moving the selected object in front of an object that you specify. The screen location of the selected object does not change.

Behind Object

Changes the stacking order by moving the selected object behind an object that you specify. The screen location of the selected object does not change.

Xuruuru Akata

Select the line style that you want to use.

Icon Line Style

Xuruuru Akata

Line Thickness

Select the thickness for the line. You can append a measurement unit. A zero line thickness results in a hairline with a thickness of one pixel of the output medium.

Icon Line Thickness

Line Thickness

Xuruuru Kuula

Select a color for the line.

Icon Line Color

Xuruuru Kuula

Dargu Akata / Wonsha

Wonshate dana doodhi loosansate hasi'roottoha dooramino misilshu uduunnicho doodhi.

Icon Area Style / Filling

Bayiichu akata/ Wonsha


Adds a shadow to the selected object. If the object already has a shadow, the shadow is removed. If you click this icon when no object is selected, the shadow is added to the next object that you draw.

Icon Add Shadow


Worbicuh Akata

Worbichu qari uduunni gaxa fananno. Dooramino xuruuri jeefishshi akata xawisara leellino malaate horoonsi'ri.

Icon Line Ends

Worbichu Akatta

Flip Vertically

Flips the selected object(s) vertically from top to bottom.

Flip Horizontally

Flips the selected object(s) horizontally from left to right.


Suude, ofolla woy dooramino uduunnichi(s)wo'ma soorranno.


Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.

Icon Styles


Display Grid

Enables or disables the grid.

Kaarrimmate Faacama

Specifies whether to move frames, drawing elements, and controls only between grid points. To change the status of the snap grip only for the current action, drag an object while holding down the .

Helplines While Moving

Activates or deactivates the display of guides when moving an object.

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