Adding a Header or a Footer to All Slides

Every slide is based on a master slide. The text, pictures, tables, fields or other objects that you place on the master slide are visible as a background on all slides that are based on that master slide.

Annoottuwa isilaadubbate, qaagishshubbate, nna angateborruwara heedhanno.

Balaxetiramino umaallo woy lekkaalli uduunne ledate

Ayee dani annootto bara, lekkaallo, nna isilaadete kiirra amadate boode balaxxetirantino gargubba afirino.

Annootto illachira xaadisatto woyite darguwa annoottote aana ayee ofollara harisa dandaatto. Ledote borro ea nna darguwate bikka soorra dandaatto. Darguwate amadubba doora nnaborrote suudishubba loosiisa dandaatto. Lawishshaho, Borangichu bikka woy kuula soorra dandaatto.


A predefined Header Area is available only for notes and handouts. If you want a header on all slides, you can move the Footer Area on the master slide to the top.

Objects that you insert on a master slide are visible on all slides that are based on that master slide.

  1. Illacha - Umaallo nna lekkaallodoori.

    Hasaawa lamu giggishshu qoollanni lai: Isilaade nna Qaagishshubbatenni nna Angateborronni amadubba balaxxe tirantino dargubba ea dandaatto darga.

    Header Footer Dialog

    Gadetenni, Barru nna Yannate buuxote saaxine dandeesantino, kayinni suudishshu qixxisammete qiniino nnaborrote eote saaxine mullichote, ikkinohura isilaadubbate aana barru nna yanna dileellitanno.

    Gadetenni, Lekkaallu buuxote saaxine dandeessantino, kayinni borrote eote saaxine mullichote, ikkinohura lekkaallu aana barru nna yanna dileellitanno.

    Gadetenni, Isilaadete kiiro buuxote saaxine coisantino, ikkinohura isilaadete kiirra dileellitanno.

  2. Baala isilaadubba aana leella noonsa amadubba ei woy doori.

  3. If you want to change the position and formatting of the master objects, choose View - Master.

    You see the master slide with areas near the bottom. You can move the areas , and you can select the fields and apply some formatting. You can also enter some text here which will be shown next to the fields.

  4. Barru darga kisi nna yannate nna barru bare harisi. <date/time> bare doori nna baala isilaadubba aana barru nna yanna suudishsha soorrate boode suudisamme loosaansi. Konni garinni Lekkaalli Dargira nna Isilaadete Kiiro dargira loosanno.

  5. Normally the predefined elements of the master slide are set to visible in the presentation. You can control the visibility of the predefined elements by choosing Slide - Master Elements.

    Master Layout Dialog

Borrote uduunne umaalli woy lekkaalli uduunni gede ledate

You can add a text object anywhere on the master slide.

  1. Choose View - Master Slide.

  2. On the Drawing bar, select the Text iconIcon.

  3. Drag in the master slide to draw a text object, and then type or paste your text.

  4. Gudatto yannara Illacha - Rosaminoha doori.


Qolteno, barubba, lawishshaho barra woy qoolu kiiro, umaalloho woy lekkaalloho Surki - Barubbadooratenni leda dandaatto.

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